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Should marketers judge the success of SEO on keyword ranking alone?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a process that is very simple in principle and theory. On-Page SEO, Off-Page SEO, Link building, Meta-Tagging, Robots.txt, etc. The list goes on. If you get that right, Bingo! You should probably be laughing your way to the bank. However, actual execution is always surprisingly complex. There are so many …

Americans say no to regulation of search engines

The majority of Americans oppose bringing in Government regulation to prevent search companies from tweaking results to their advantage, according to new findings released by Rasmussen. Released on Sunday, the survey found that over three-quarters (77%) of U.S. adults were against any government regulation of how Google and other search engines rank their results. Just …

What is a Business Blog?

A Business Blog is simply a blog, except that its content and the users are skewed towards a particular business in mind. Below are some tips on how you can manage your business blogs effectively, thereby increasing your “authority” in that industry and ultimately be rewarded with a higher page rank on Google’s Search Engine …

Anchor Text or Link Relevancy?

Have you thought about what is the difference between opting for a more “pro anchor text” strategy or one that is focused on “link relevancy”? Using the same keywords repeatedly may lead you into the Google penalty box so try to steer away from that. Instead, use a larger variety of keywords and brand building …

Dont be overly obsessed with anchor text

January 12, 2011 | Author: | Posted in Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

This year started out with a bash, or what should probably be characterized as a lot of bashing, specifically on Google’s search quality. There’s been a ton of buzz about the deteriorating quality of Google’s search results over the last week: * Google’s decreasingly useful, spam-filled web search * Trouble in the house of Google …

2011: Bing Instant, Social Search & Social SERPs

Last year in 2010, internet business marketers saw a tremendous amount of innovation and growth in the social media and search space. Google introduced Instant, Bing and Yahoo completed the organic and paid search transition of their Search Alliance, Facebook handed over exclusive “Like” data access to Microsoft, and Google +1 has everyone guessing what’s …