5 tips for on-page optimisation for beginners
If you’re reading this post, you’re probably interested enough in doing on-page optimisation for your website. iClick Media Singapore have generally classify it into 5 main tips.
1) URL/File Names
It is never a good idea to change your company or organisation’s domain name at this point of time. You would probably have spend alot of time, effort and money promoting that domain name.
You can probably keep your existing domain name and place keywords in your file name. For example, if you’re selling health check up packages, you can probably name it as www.company.com/health_check_up_packages.html
2) Meta Tags
Meta Tags includes having and maximising the usage of meta title, meta description, and meta keywords. These information are placed in the HTML code of your site pages. The meta title and description often appears as your website’s apperance in the search engine results page (SERPs) organic results. Today, the meta keywords tag by itself is no longer powerful. However, when used in conjunction with the meta title and meta description, it can certainly help to improve the search engine’s impression of your website,
3) Heading
A page heading is a text headline that is separated from the rest of your page copy (main body text). It gets the attention of both your customers (human users) as well as search engine crawlers, otherwise known as spiders. In general, we label these headings as H1 to H6 tags. The smaller the number, the bigger the text. Simple as that. With a bigger font size, you are telling the search engine what the page and article is talking about. A bigger text size also symbolises greater importance place.
4) Alternate Text
Spiders or crawlers, unlike humans are unable to “see” images. Hence, if you have a page full of images, like a shopping cart page, search engine spiders tend to give lower importance to that page because they are unable to figure out what that page is talking about. This is where Alternate Text can place an important part.
Alternate text is a text written for an image that is place inside the HTML codes. Instead of images, these alternative text allows the spiders to “read” the graphics. For certain internet browsers, users are able also able to see the alt text by placing their mouse over the image.
Alternate text can also be shown to users with disabilities.
5) Page Copy
Besides alternate text and good heading, you also need to have keywords in your page to rank well. Generally speaking, the more unique content you have, the better it is for you. In fact, if you update your content on a regular basis, that is even better. Anyway, I shan’t disgress too much on that as that itself is a topic on its own.
Remember, a few sentences on a page is not enough. Write sufficient good content to help both humans and spiders determine what the page is about.

Author: huiping
iClick Media Web Designer
This author has published 111 articles so far.